Friday, May 20, 2011

Mullahs are the cause of destruction & deterioration of Pakistan

"If you appoint a cat to protect your milk, You will understand what will happen to your milk?" - Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad

During his weekly Friday Sermon, September 2009, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad condemn the extremism of the so called Muslim ‘Ulema’ in Pakistan who he said were a major cause of the destruction of the Pakistani nation.

In respect of the ever deteriorating situation in Pakistan, His Holiness said that the problems stemmed from the anti-Ahmadiyya specific laws that were imposed during the governing regimes of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and General Zia-ul-Haq.

His Holiness continued that so called religious leaders in Pakistan had become consumed in their own ignorance. Mullahs choose to compare Islam with the Coca Cola soft drinks brand. They had determined that as Coca Cola had been patented so too the religion of Islam ought to be patented so that only people who adhered to their beliefs could call themselves Muslim. His Holiness stated that to compare the religion of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with a company that develops beverages was ‘the height of stupidity and ignorance’.

He continued further:
“The true Islam is that which was taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammad ((peace be upon him). According to his definition we most certainly are true Muslims. And because of this we have no need for a certificate of authenticity from any cleric or parliament... We are fully confident that Divine Will shall prevail and consequently it will become clear just who the true Muslims are.”

The hundred-fold increase in criminality in Pakistan after declaring Ahmadis as Non Muslims came to be a distinctive identity between grace and curse. "And we shall drive criminals to hell like the thirsty cattle driven down to water." (19:87).

Mullahs of today may deny the need of a prophet, but if we compare them with those of the times of the Holy Prophet SAW, we would see a world of difference. What happened? The Book and teaching is the same.The answer is obvious.The teacher is no more. Nobody to purify them or teach them the wisdom.No model to emulate.This is the malady that is afflicting the Ummah.The mere presence of The Book is not enough.

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