Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mullahs after rejecting HOLY QURAN in what HADITHS then will they believe?

تِلْكَ اٰيٰتُ اللّٰهِ نَـتْلُوْهَا عَلَيْكَ بِالْحَقِّ‌ ‌ۚ فَبِاَىِّ حَدِيْثِۭ بَعْدَ اللّٰه وَاٰيٰتِه يُؤْمِنُوْنَ.

[45:7] These are the Signs of Allah [VERSES OF QURAN] which We rehearse unto thee with truth. In what word [HADITHS], then, after rejecting that of Allah and His Signs will they believe?

Allah has promised guarding of Islam (i.e, Quran) Himself, He states :

[15:10] ‘Verily, it is We Who have sent down this Exhortation, and most surely We are its Guardians.’

In this verse Allah mentions that He has revealed the Quran and He shall be guarding it Himself. It is manifestly clear that the holy Quran was revealed through a human being and eventually it shall be guarded through humans who shall explain its wisdom in all the ages. It is pertinent to clear a common misunderstanding spread by Mullahs by quoting the following verses of Holy Quran:

[5:4] ‘This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed my favour upon you and have chosen for you Islam as religion.’

[41:4] ‘A Book, the verses of which have been expounded in detail — the Qur’an in clear, eloquent language — for a people who have knowledge,’

[38:30] ‘This is a Book which We have revealed to thee, full of blessings, that they may reflect over its verses, and that those gifted with understanding may take heed.’
[18:110] ‘Say, ‘If the ocean became ink for the words of my Lord, surely, the ocean would be exhausted before the words of my Lord came to an end, even though We brought the like thereof as further help.’

[27:2] ‘Ta Sin. These are verses of the Qur’an, and of an illuminating Book.’

[41:45] ‘And if We had made it a Qur’an in a foreign tongue, they surely would have said, ‘Why have not its verses been made clear? What! a foreign tongue and an Arab?’ Say, ‘It is a guidance and a healing for those who believe.’ But as to those who believe not, there is a deafness in their ears, and it is blindness for them. They are, as it were, being called to from a far off place.’

The holy Quran was revealed upon the holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and there was no such time in his life when his followers had forsaken the Quran. Soon after the demise of Holy Prophet (saw), Sunnah was the clearest at that time and Holy Quran was strongest in influence despite both of these, people began to differ and kept on differing until a time came Khilafat was no longer there. From then on it was a total rot, new sects, new schism came into being and holy Quran was started to be looked upon as a book speaking on a divergent views and paradoxically so.

Now, the necessity of getting Ummah together upon Holy Quran and Sunnah is concerned, but how to go to get about it? That is a big question unless someone solves this question; this dilemma will not be solved, time is against us and that is obvious, more you travel away from Mohammad (saw) more divided you are and more corrupt are religious scholars, less God fearing they have become. Instead of bring Ummah together they create disorder, they create hatred against each other and this is also a known fact of history. So if there was no Reformer to come, how the Ummah would survive then?

Mullahs have neglected the teachings of the holy Quran and denied the claim of the Promised Messiah (as). Allah mentions this attitude as under:

[25:31] ‘And the messenger will say, O my Lord, my people indeed treated this Quran as thing to be discarded.’

[2:102] ‘And now when there has come to them a Messenger from Allah, fulfilling that which is with them, a party of the people to whom the Book was given have thrown the Book of Allah behind their backs, as if they know it not.’

[18:106] ‘Those are they who disbelieve in the Signs of their Lord and in the meeting with Him. So their works are vain, and on the Day of Resurrection We shall give them no weight.’

[18:107] ‘That is their reward — Hell; because they disbelieved, and made a jest of My Signs and My Messengers.’

[25:8] ‘And they say, ‘What is the matter with this Messenger that he eats food, and walks in the streets? Why has not an angel been sent down to him that he might be a warner with him?’

In the following verse Allah has mentioned His procedure of guidance and taking people out of darkness into light. Allah mentions that whenever humanity plunges into darkness, He raises a person and reveals His signs upon him and that person guides humanity from darkness to light.

[57:10] ‘He it is Who sends down clear Signs to His servant, that He may bring you out of every kind of darkness into light. And, verily, Allah is Compassionate and Merciful to you.’

The truth of Ahmadiyya (i.e. Real Islam) AND the concept of IMAM MAHDI & MASSIAH (subordinate Prophet) is like a spot of yogurt in milk, to continue to spread the light of Holy Prophet (PBUH) to make Islam prevail over all other religions.

[48:29] ‘He it is Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the true Religion, That He may cause it to prevail over all other religions. And sufficient is Allah as a Witness.’

This verse shows that the ultimate purpose of revelation of Islam is to prevail it over all other religions. This is a historical fact that though Islam has been made known as the most perfect and sublime religion, but its prevalence is yet to be seen and this complete dominance of Islam shall happen through Promised Massiah and Imam Mahdi.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mullahs are living in fairy tales & myths

Mullahs are living in fairy tales & myths, about 2,000 years old Prophet to come back physically flying from the sky - exactly the way Jews are still waiting for similar descend of Elijah. But Elijah did not descend physically nor will Jesus ever do so. Mullahs may wait till the doom's day but NO one will ever return flying from skies!!

There is a well known saying of the Holy Prophet, ‘Had Moses and Jesus been alive, they would have no choice but to follow me”. This indicates the Holy Prophet regarded Jesus to be dead like Moses.

In one Hadith, the Holy Prophet is reported to have said “What will be your condition when ‘Son of Mary’ will appear ‘AMONG YOU’ and he will be your Imam (leader) from ‘AMONG YOURSELVES’. (Bukhari, Kitababul Anbiya)

Thus, it obvious that in Hadith, wherever the Holy Prophet had prophesied about descend or appearance of Jesus, Son of Mary, in the later days, the usage was metaphorical and had meant that a follower of the prophet will be raised to the status of Messiah as he will come in the spirit  of Jesus whom he will resemble. Just as Jesus was a reformer and a messiah for the Jewish nation, Hazrat Ahmed (as) is a reformer and a messiah for Muslims.

‘Son of Mary’ has been called ‘Messiah’ as he was to remove misunderstandings about the death of Jesus on the cross and reform and convert Christians who have gone astray.

Those Muslims who take offence that Hazrat Ahmad (as), the Promised Messiah, considered his spiritual status as that of a follower prophet, are reminded that the Holy Prophet Mohammad (saw) has repeatedly called the coming Messaih as a “PROPHET of GOD” in his tradition as recorded in authentic Hadith ( Muslim, Ch-Zikr-ud-Dajjjal).

According to Non Ahmdi Muslims, an old prophet (Jesus) ascended to heaven with his physical body where he is still alive and is in reserve to descent from the sky and become a Messiah for Muslims and during his second life on earth he will still be a prophet. The second position is that a devout follower and love of the holy Prophet Mohammad (saw) who has not descended from the sky, has been blessed with the status of a Messiah and a follower Prophet. It is worth nothing that both positions considered coming of a prophet after the Holy Prophet Mohammad (saw). Are not we Ahmdi Muslims Justified in asking other orthodox Muslims that you raise so much fury because we believe Hazrat Ahmed (as) to be a follower and a subordinate prophet whereas they themselves believe that a prophet will descend from heaven after Mohammad (saw)?

Which of the two positions is more logical in accordance with the teachings of the Quran and honor of the Holy Prophet? 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Mullahs are the cause of destruction & deterioration of Pakistan

"If you appoint a cat to protect your milk, You will understand what will happen to your milk?" - Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad

During his weekly Friday Sermon, September 2009, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad condemn the extremism of the so called Muslim ‘Ulema’ in Pakistan who he said were a major cause of the destruction of the Pakistani nation.

In respect of the ever deteriorating situation in Pakistan, His Holiness said that the problems stemmed from the anti-Ahmadiyya specific laws that were imposed during the governing regimes of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and General Zia-ul-Haq.

His Holiness continued that so called religious leaders in Pakistan had become consumed in their own ignorance. Mullahs choose to compare Islam with the Coca Cola soft drinks brand. They had determined that as Coca Cola had been patented so too the religion of Islam ought to be patented so that only people who adhered to their beliefs could call themselves Muslim. His Holiness stated that to compare the religion of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with a company that develops beverages was ‘the height of stupidity and ignorance’.

He continued further:
“The true Islam is that which was taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammad ((peace be upon him). According to his definition we most certainly are true Muslims. And because of this we have no need for a certificate of authenticity from any cleric or parliament... We are fully confident that Divine Will shall prevail and consequently it will become clear just who the true Muslims are.”

The hundred-fold increase in criminality in Pakistan after declaring Ahmadis as Non Muslims came to be a distinctive identity between grace and curse. "And we shall drive criminals to hell like the thirsty cattle driven down to water." (19:87).

Mullahs of today may deny the need of a prophet, but if we compare them with those of the times of the Holy Prophet SAW, we would see a world of difference. What happened? The Book and teaching is the same.The answer is obvious.The teacher is no more. Nobody to purify them or teach them the wisdom.No model to emulate.This is the malady that is afflicting the Ummah.The mere presence of The Book is not enough.

Pakistani Mullah’s great scientific Research

Pakistani Mullah's claim in the ‘white paper’ published by the Pakistan government, one of the claims reads:
 “Throughout the history of Islam this concept of ‘Khatame-Nabbuwat’ [That there would be no prophet of any kind after the Holy Prophet (pbuh) has been taken as one of the fundamentals of Islamic faith. It has deeply influenced the thinking, the conduct and the sensibilities of the Muslims.” (Qadianiyyat – A Grave Threat to Islam pg. 5).

If you look at the history of Islam, this concept is nowhere visible and it was not in vogue in the early history of Islam. We look for a source to this concept in Holy Quran, chapter 40, Al-Mu’min verses 35 an36: ‘Wala Qad Jaa a kum Mutakabbirin Jabbar.” “And Yusuf did come to you before with clear proofs, but you ceased not to be in doubt concerning that which he came to you till, when he died, you said: “Allah will never raise up a Messenger after him.” Thus does Allah adjudge as lost those who transgress, and are doubters, those who dispute concerning the signs of Allah without any authority having come to them. Grievously hateful is this in the sight of Allah and in the sight of those who believe. Thus does Allah seal up the heart of every arrogant, haughty person.” So the concept of the end of prophethood after the passing away of a prophet is not new.

According to this verse of the Holy Quran it dates back to the time when Hazrat Yusuf (as) passed away. It is not an innovation in the Muslim Ummah. It is a hallmark of the inveterate disbelievers. First they reject the Messenger of God. When he passes away they assert there will be no more messengers sent after him thus freeing themselves from believing in and being obedient to a prophet in the future. People may say this may be so in the past that those people were wrong and the divine decree of continuity of prophethood was changed after the advent of the Holy Prophet (pbuh).

The Holy Quran, however, leaves no room for doubt or misgivings. It says in chapter 72 Al-Jinn verse 5, “And it is true that the foolish amongst us used to utter extravagant lies concerning Allah”. What were these lies? The Holy Quran further states in the same chapter, verse 8, “And indeed they thought, even as you think, that Allah would never raise any Messenger.“ Allah calls these people who indulge in such talk as fools and their talk was denounced as ‘extravagant lies concerning Allah’. If this belief amounted to ‘extravagant lies concerning Allah’ till the advent of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) how could it be made an important part of the faith of the Muslims till the Day of Resurrection?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

III World War - Death & destruction will rain from the sky & fierce flames shall engulf the earth.

‘And let alone those who take their religion for a sport and a pastime, and whom worldly life has beguiled. And admonish people thereby lest a soul be consigned to perdition for what it has wrought. It shall have no helper nor intercessor beside Allah; and even if it offer every ransom, it shall not be accepted from it. These are they who have been delivered over to destruction for their own acts. They will have a drink of boiling water and a grievous punishment, because they disbelieved.’ (Al-An`am Chapter 6 : Verse 71)

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed (as)- for Muslims, he is the Mehdi Maood and Masih Maood being the same person to mean ‘The Promised Massiah guided by Allah.’ In 1890 Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed (as) declared: ‘I had a significant revelation stating Jesus, son of Mary had died and in his attributes, as had been promised, I am raised (as Promised Massiah).’ (Ruhani Khazain Vol.3 P.402). Next year he had the commandment to declare himself the Promised Massiah in the spiritual rank of Prophet (as subordinate to Muhammad SAW). If the normal death of Jesus is proved, it would give a clean wash to blasphemous faith of Christendom and save the world from the holocaust as warned in Quran. The religion of British Empire is Christianity, therefore while being a subject of British India, reliance on Allah;s backing only could have made him so bold to declare it. His thesis MASIH HINDUSTAN MEIN (Jesus in India) is a great work. The vehemence of opposition from Christian and Muslim faction is understandable.

‘Then We sent Our Messengers one after another. Every time there came to a people their Messenger, they treated him as a liar. So We made them follow one another to destruction and We made them mere tales. Cursed, then, be the people who believe not! (Al-Mu'minun Chapter 23 : Verse 45)

Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih III warned during his historic tour to Europe in 1967:

"The Promised Messiah also prophesied that a third world war of even bigger dimensions would follow the second. The two opposing Camps will clash with such suddenness that everyone will be caught unaware. Death and destruction will rain from the sky and fierce flames shall engulf the earth. The colossus of modern civilisation will tumble to the ground. Both the communist and the opposing blocks will perish in the process. Russia and its satellites on the one hand and the U.S and its allies on the other, shall be destroyed, their might broken, their civilisation ruined and their system shattered. The survivors shall stand aghast and amazed at the tragedy... The end of the third world war will be the beginning of the triumph of Islam. People will accept its truth in large numbers and will realise that Islam alone is the true religion and that the emancipation of Man is to be won through the message of Muhammad alone (on whom be peace).. But gentlemen, let us not forget that this prophecy, like all prophecies, is a warning and its fulfilment can be delayed or even averted provided man turns to his Lord, repents and mends his ways. He can yet avert divine wrath if he stops worshipping the false deities of wealth, power and prestige, establishes a genuine relationship with his Lord, refrains from all transgression, does his duty to God and man, and learn to work for the true human welfare.

Muslims who believe in the Massiah,
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed (as) Qadiani

Help for true Messengers, punishment for pretenders

Every false prophet after the Holy Prophet (pbuh) didn't prosper, but if Mirza Saheb (as) was not from Allah, then why his community survived 120years?

God has ordained that He and His prophets shall always prevail against others. 'Allah has decreed, most surely I will prevail, I and My Messengers, Verily, Allah is Powerful, Mighty.'(58:22). 'Most surely We help Our Messengers, and those who believe, in the present life and on the day when witnesses will stand forth'(40:22).'But Allah grants to His Messengers power over whomsoever He pleases and Allah has power over all things.'(59:7).

We (Ahmadi Muslims) do not believe in another Prophet after our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) - rather we believe that Jesus had died and someone from ummah was to come under the Name/Title & Status of Jesus. We believe that Hadhrat Ahmad of Qadian was the same Messiah who was to come as Subordinate Prophet.

Quran and traditions held a promise for a change to new earth and new heaven. Hence, “One day when this earth will be changed into another earth and the heaven too.” (Quran 14:48). Relate this verse with a vision by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Saheb’s KASHF: ‘I saw that I created a new earth and a new heaven, then I said let me create humans.’ (Ruh.Khaz.Vol.20.P.275-6). So, the radical changes in a single century that turned the world into a global village is in fulfillment of promise in Quran. This vision signified that he was the reformer for the changed world.

Mockery is settled fate for all prophets. “Ah! Alas for the servants, there comes not a messenger to them but they mock him. See they not, how many generations before them we destroyed.” (Quran 36:29-30).

Muslims and Christians were waiting to see Jesus handing physically from heavens. Jews had also waited for the return of Elijah (Ilyas) the same way for more than 200 years. He was lifted to heavens physically by a whirl wind. Old Testament, KINGS, Ch.02. This kind of fallacious faith was common for all the three great religions. It will never be fulfilled in the literal sense. Jesus Christ and his disciples were persecuted on misconceptions and so are Hazrat Mirza Saheb and his followers. So, Allah’s judgment is conclusive.

It is evident from Holy Quran how God deals with pretender to Messenger-ship. He cannot be left to prosper. Holy Quran: 'And, had he forged (and attributed) any sayings to Us, We would surely have seized him by the right hand, and then surely We would have severed his life-artery'(69:45-47). 'Who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against Allah or gives the lie to His Signs? Surely, the unjust shall not prosper'(
6:22).This leaves no doubt that the unjust cannot prosper according to the Law of God. It confirmed that his revelation (Ilham) was true. He claimed: ‘How can I refute persistent revelations (wahy) for 23 years?’ (Ruh.Khaz.Vol.22.P154). How can one who lies about God, one who is spiritually the most unjust, succeed in fabricating false claims?

History is repeating...the people who are refusing to accept the Promissed Massiah fall in category who can’t see and realize the truth.

 Love for all & hatred for none.                                With Love to the Muslims of the World